Wednesday 22 July 2009

Was at a fowl mood at work again - didnt eat for 35hours and then basically ate 5 days food in an hour but wasnt sick because mum would have come home during the episode... I really dont get why I cant do this at home. It is like I need a fresh start to be able to do this. A really good fresh start in Paris. I know I KNOW nothing EVER will let me destroy my goals in Paris. 8 weeks. 8 GLORIOUS weeks to LEARN to STARVE and to come back REFORMED. I don't know if I should take scales or not - if I don't then It will be a wicked surprise and it would most likely keep me on track. Because I could lose a SHIT LOAD in 2 months. I CANNOT WAIT. Even 3lbs a week (and I will lose more than that a week) is 24lbs in 2 months.


Tuesday 26 May 2009

The jigsaw is coming apart

I'm falling to pieces. And I don't understand why. The only positive is the thought of eating makes me very on edge and so in 2 days I have gone from 9.2 to 8.12. 4 pounds is always a bonus. Unfortunatly I am a wreck who is destined to do rubbish in her russian exam tomorrow.

Sunday 24 May 2009


oK. tomorrow is the 25th of may... 2 MONTHS TO MY BIRTHDAY....


Last yum meal, then that is it. A lot of diet coke and redbull light it is for me...

Tuesday 19 May 2009

shit I'm scared

Russian music and Red Bull light are my guardian angels - or more Vasanti is my guardian angel and Red Bull light and Russian music are my citalopram support system. Scared about Russian soviet cinema exam. Tomorrow. Red lots. Don't remember much. Enough. Weight still in the 9 stone range. I find this terribly unfair.

Monday 11 May 2009

2346... what is WRONG with me

twix 246
pasta 600
crunch 210
tuna sandwich 250
roll 200
flapjack 350
apple 70
banana 100
chocolate 250
carrots and humus 100


Sunday 10 May 2009

128 is 44 too many

ok so that didn't work again - at midnight the diet begins - yes, a diet - that is something that you are not allowed to break at all costs. maple syrup diet. some say that consuming syrup may not be considered a diet -but I beg to differ when It is the only think you consume in drink form. I would also like to point out that diet coke is now out of the questoin. Who would have thought mid exam revision this day would come

so i picked up the phone and tears answered today. but not pretty happy tears. ones that had been falling for a while and did not know how to stop their descent. so i put on my shoes and my pretty brown coat and ran until my chest hurt. Then mumbling to myself in french I went up to her room. She was on the phone, the tears were speaking less now and the voice had recovered. I do not know what to make of it all really

Tomorrow I have a plan = isn't that shocking. Pippa will never ever get to know you if you dont stick to this weeks plan. Move the doctor's appointment and you have a week to get stuck into the plan. This is how is is -

Monday - 8am library, La Douleur - read some, practice french, read more until about 1 when I order you to walk to elvet and wait in the right area. Drink the redbull light then 2.15 French Oral... after this have time to relax - beth, ruth... 5.15 walk to library - do 4 hours of croatian. ... 9.30 leave to go home... relax/ go to albert street? No food.

Tuesday - 8am Library -Croatian grammar, oral, vocab... 2.30 - leave to go to elvet... newcastle georgia, evening - film at albert street. No food. Maple syrup diet commences. I am not allowed more than 3 glasses a day.

Wednesday - Library 8am - DAY OF INTENSE RUSSIAN REVISION... Stay as long as you can manage- 8pm would be amazing. Maple syrup diet.

Thursday - Practice russian at home - maple syrup it up in the morning - 10.30 - be in elvet. Do exam. Get out dvds - 4, watch them in the afternoon and take notes on them.

Friday - Whole day in the library. Soviet Cinema. In break change over the films for another 2 for the weekend. 8-9 workies.

Saturay - 9 to 7 in library... then watch film.

Sunday - 9 to 6 in library... then watch film.

Monday - 8 in library. (In break change films) Stay until 6/8 depending. watch film

Tuesday - Repeat monday without break of film changing.

Wednesday - Repeat tuesday.

Saturday 9 May 2009

i do not know what to do.

do i eat. do i not eat? do i eat? do i not eat? do i eat? do i not eat? do i eat very small? do i eat nothing at all? will i concentrate? try it out tomorrow??? you have until 3 the following day!!!

your challange is to eat not a sole thing tomorrow. take a big bottle of liquid with you!!!